On Psychosocial Abuse in 2SLGBTQ Communities
Queer and trans communities often experience high degrees of interpersonal conflict, violence, and fragmented relationships. I am coining th

Embedded in Trauma: Providing and Surviving in LGBTTQ2SI Communities
What Is Trauma? People often think of trauma as related to a physically violent event that is most likely life threatening. When we look...

Rights to Emotional Safety
Many of us come from trauma histories that are often psychological and emotional in nature. We have yet to come across a way of...

What is CBT Anyways?
How many people know exactly what CBT is? Can you tell me what that stands for? It's Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. No, not the other...

On Transgender Grief
What is Transgender grief? Our social spheres online and in real time are deluged with accounts and experiences of parental grief at a...

Enhancing Self-Compassion
What exactly does self-compassion mean? You'd be surprised at how many of us have never given thought to understanding the concept of...

LGBTQ Parenting Connection
Check out the LGBTQ Parenting Connection for resources on queer and trans parenting, adoption, provider directories, assisted...

How Does Therapy Work?
Many individuals have never been to see a psychotherapist before and are not sure what the process looks like, and what the benefits may...

Depression is one of the more commonly named mental health concerns individuals may have. Usual statistics indicate in the general...

Centrality of Self Identification
The following is an excerpt from an original piece published as a Chapter in LGBTQ People And Social Work: Intersectional Perspectives by...